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What is Gamification?
Gamification is the use of game elements and game design techniques in non-game contexts. Can be applied as an inovation element within the product life-cycle or as a silver bullet to solve motivational/engagement challenges.
An amazing tool in terms of behavior change, in a variety of contexts: bussines, education, health, social impact, among others.
What is Lean Gamification Design?
Lean Gamification Design (LGD) is a lightweight method that simplifies the gamification design and establishes a toolset based on gamification best practices, with strong influence from approachs such as Lean Startup and Design Thinking.
- learn our methodTHE 4 PHASES OF LGD
This is the moment to know the Player, understand the context and define the challenge. In this phase we do a deep dive in the motivational/engagement challenge and explore the player profile, understanding his motivations, behaviour and needs.
Time to identify the most relevant Player metrics, create the journey, set the victory conditions, choose the game mechanics and define the features, rules, triggers and incentives.
Is where we create the gamification prototype. The goal is to explore the solution in a practical way (hands-on) and prepare for the first playtest.
This is the "gran finale" of the LGD method, where we do the playtest and demonstration of the gamified solution. The intent of this phase is to get feedbacks, learn and evolve the gamification proposal.
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what people are saying about
"I love it ! At the end, one of the members of my team came up with a nice and feasible proposal for a real problem presented by him."
Claudia Rojas Sugai - Marketing Manager
"... Gamification is one of this new metodologies with the capacity to awake a bigger sense of colaboration. Even at distance, I´m sure the content were very well presented and learnt! Now, is time to start the implementation.
Pablo Carvalho - Project Manager
"Intense hours with a lot of practical learning! The time goes nicely with interactions between the participants!"
Cláudia Anania - Scrum Master
"A great opportunity to transform a challenge into a game, to find solutions and engaje people."
Andrea Maruyama Francisco - Agile Coach
"A innovative methodology to transform challenges into engaging and motivating solutions."
Marcio Rosales - Engineer & Innovation´s Evangelist
"Nice and engaging workshop... I had a lot of insights!"
Deborah Zapata - Agile Thinker
- who have usedLGD IN PRACTICE
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Facilitation team that leads the LGD community
Júlio Oliveira
Agilist and gamification specialist, he worked for multinational companies, such as Rede Globo, Volkswagen, Toyota, Bradesco, CIELO, GFT Group and B3. Creator of the Lean Gamification Design method. He is currently Head of Agility at Rain Technologies and professor at MBI UFSCar.Graduated in Computer Network Administration, postgraduated in Software Process Management, MBA in Project Management and Master in Information Systems Management from the University of Liverpool (United Kingdom).Roger Hainz
Application Engineer, psychologist, entrepreneur and game designer, had worked in public institutions and in transnacional companies. Designer of multiple games, like board games, card games and computer games, today works in career guidance, clinical psychology, and civil engineering consulting.
Bacharelor´s degree in Psychology by UNESP – Assis, Civil Engineering by ESAMC – Sorocaba. Today studying System Analisys and Development in FATEC – Sorocaba.
Natan Santana
Undergraduate student in Software Engineering at UnB, intern in software development at CI&T. Worked on various gamification and board game design projects at the junior company Orc'estra Gamification and at Skillab Training and Gamification. Specialist in gamification and an official facilitator of Lean Gamification Design (LGD).
Matheus Fonseca
Musician as a hobby, educator for purposal, sportist by passion, user eyes by mentality and developer as tool. Has already acted as a UX writer and learning designer for teachers in Tera, and as training analyst in Itau Unibanco. Today is a Learning Especialist in Exame, helping this 50 years old renowned magazine to develop a new area of online courses.
Graduated in Psychology by USP - Universidade de São Paulo, is also a astrounauta in UFSCar´s MBI and cadet of the first class of École 42 in Brazil.
Márcio Rosales
Technological Inovation Specialist and fundraising for R&D projects, worked in big companys as Bosh, Caterpillar and as researcher in CNPEM - Centro Nacional de Pesquisas em Energia e Materiais. Nowadays is founder associate of Brazitec Tecnologia em Materiais, funding specialist in ABGI, teacher and executive coordinator in UFSCar MBI.
Graduated in Materials Engineering from UFSCar, post-graduated in Financial Management from ESAMC, and doctor from the Federal University of São Carlos with an emphasis on Technological Development.
Kleber Rodrigues
Gamer and boardgamer, cinephile, I work as Agile Coach, using the gamification as a tool for learning and engagement in co-creation, conducting and endind of complex projects. Act as educator in metods and agile approachs, smoothing the process for people to create innovations and teaching them to solve complex problems with creativity, taking data-based decisions.Taking Master´s Degree in Technology of Management, Work and Organizations in UTFPR. Bacharel in Administration for UNICURITIBA. Post Graduted in People Management and Leadership.Marcos Araujo
Software Engineer with more than 25 years of experience in leadership and developmente of digital products.Acting with lean-agile culture facilitantion for complex products development, aligning Leaders, Teams and Companies in problem solving through agile practices and continuous improvement.Unniversity teacher with more than 20 years acting in degree courses, specialization and master degree in computer science, engineering, health and administrarion.next
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Lean Gamification Design Workshop
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